Wednesday, November 16, 2011

99%? I roll with the bottom 20% bitches.

It was sure nice of this Occupy Wall Street to separate us into 2 categories like that.  The nice way to put my status in the world is I'm a part of the 99%. The reality is the only thing keeping me off the street holding a clever sign to get change from strangers is a family.  But seriously I can't imagine most people in the top 40% are that committed to the OWS movement.  Those people are like casual sports fans, it's fun to watch the games and root for your team, but in the end that game has about as much impact on your life as a shortage of pancakes.  For most people, the game ends and you move on with your life, or to continue with my breakfast analogy, you go with french toast for awhile(Seriously, I love pancakes for the 1st 2 bites, then I'm full and regretting my decision to get the full stack). But for some people, shit gets real.  These would be called fanatics, or, people suppressing deep issues by drinking excessively and screaming obscenities at people throwing a ball around. Or try telling the occupants of the local IHOP that pancakes are off the menu for a week, and see if 10,000 pounds of human mass doesn't come at you with the force of 300 Spartans. 

I'm just saying the OWS is a nice idea, but the sad fact is we are hardly unified within our 99% and the 1% are well aware of this fact.  For now OWS is a nice way to annoy local governments, make some noise, and roast marshmallows in a park with your fellow man, which is actually pretty cool.  But maybe we need to channel our inner drunken angry pancake and sports loving lunatic to really get some shit done.  I don't know though, I'm just some asshole with a desktop and plenty of free time.

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